Logo of the NRW police state campaign Crash Course

"Crash Course NRW - Experience reality. Really tough" is aimed at young people in 10th and 11th grade and shows them the dangers of driving too fast.


550000 traffic accidents occur in North Rhine-Westphalia every year. Over 600 people are killed each year. The proportion of young road users who cause serious accidents is disproportionately high. This is alarming and unacceptable. Excessive speed, not wearing a seatbelt, the consumption of alcohol and drugs: In over 50 percent of all cases, these are the reasons why people are killed or seriously injured on the roads. The police are breaking new ground together with their partners in the "Crash Course NRW". The inspiration comes from Staffordshire in England, where a similar program has already been running for many years.

Crash course NRW

Crash Course NRW was launched in 2010. The events in schools focus on emotions. The aim is to create a realistic awareness of danger among the young participants and to bring about lasting, positive changes in behavior.
Police officers, firefighters, emergency chaplains, emergency doctors, road accident victims or their relatives talk about their experiences. They talk about what they experienced, how they felt and the stress that can arise from an accident. However, the actors also relentlessly reveal their own limitations. It is conveyed that road accidents mostly happen because drivers disregard the rules. This also means that you can do something about it. Pupils are made aware that they bear responsibility when they are on the road. This applies not only to the driver, but also to those who get into the car with them. Everyone bears responsibility for themselves and others
Crash Kurs NRW makes it clear to viewers that all life's dreams can be shattered in a matter of seconds. To prevent this from happening, the young people should be shaken up and internalize the conviction: Life is far too precious to be put at risk by risky driving. Fewer young road casualties are the success that Crash Course is aiming for.
In order to reach as many pupils as possible, the "Crash Course NRW" concept will be introduced throughout NRW by 2012. The initial experiences are currently being evaluated in order to further improve the campaign.


The project is being scientifically monitored and evaluated by the University of Cologne and the University of Zurich.

How Crash Course NRW can come to your school:
Find out more about the prevention project and find follow-up material at:
Take a look at what Crash Course NRW is:
Get in touch with us:
Email: crashkurs [at] (crashkurs[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)
We will be happy to provide you with the name of a competent contact person in your area.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110