Weapons law

Weapons law
Here you will find information and contacts on the subject of weapons law!

In mid-May, the Bundestag passed a bill by the federal government to amend the Weapons Act and other regulations (2nd WaffRÄndG). According to information from the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the amendment will result in particular in changes to the storage of firearms for gun owners. In addition, for a limited period of twelve months from the law coming into force - July 6, 2017 - it will be possible to hand in illegally owned weapons and ammunition to the weapons and police authorities with impunity.

Regulations on storage

Under the new storage regulations, it will no longer be sufficient to store weapons in security level A and B containers in accordance with VDMA 24992 (as of May 1995). Nevertheless, it will not be necessary for most gun owners to purchase new containers. This is because gun cabinets that complied with the old legal requirements at the time the amendment came into force are grandfathered. They may therefore continue to be used. This is only different if the safe has changed hands after the amendment to the law came into force. This means, for example, that in future in cases of inheritance the gun cabinets cannot be taken over and the heirs may have to purchase new security containers. If security containers are acquired after the amendment to the law comes into force, the following provisions will apply in future:

Weapons or ammunition that do not require a permit must be kept in at least one locked container. For ammunition requiring a permit, a sheet steel container without classification with a swing bolt lock or an equivalent locking device or an equivalent container is required. An unlimited number of long guns and a total of up to five handguns and ammunition can be stored in a security container that complies with the DIN/EN 1143-1 resistance grade 0 standard (less than 200 kilograms). If this container weighs 200 kilograms or more, an unlimited number of long guns and up to ten short guns and ammunition can be stored in it. Finally, an unlimited number of long and short weapons and ammunition can be stored in a security container that complies at least with the DIN/EN 1143-1 resistance grade I standard.

Penalty-free transfer of weapons and ammunition subject to authorization

The practical regulations on the amnesty provide for a one-year waiver of penalties for illegally possessed weapons and ammunition that require a license from the time the amendment comes into force. This means that persons who hand over such weapons or ammunition to the competent weapons authority or a police station within this period will not be punished for unauthorized acquisition, unauthorized possession, unauthorized carrying on the direct route to the competent authority or police station or unauthorized transfer. Unlike the last amnesty in 2009, however, it will not be possible to hand over illegally possessed weapons and ammunition to an authorized person.

Questions on the subject of weapons law?

Weapons legislation applies nationwide. The uniform regulations can be found on the state website of the NRW police.

If you have any further questions, e.g. if you inherit a weapon, the relevant department of the Wesel district police authority will be happy to help you.

Your contact persons:

In matters of weapons law, your direct contacts are:


Sport shooters Mrs. Bolz 0281 107 2235
Hunter (surnames A - K) Mr. Schey 0281 107 2233
Hunter (surnames L - Z) Mr. Fengels 0281 107 2232
Collectors and club guns Mrs. Lettgen 0281 107 2234
General weapons law Mrs. Boland 0281 107 2234
Shooting ranges Mr. Schmidt 0281 107 2236
Small firearms license Mrs. Ferchert 0281 107 2237
Inheritance matters Mr. Schey 0281 107 2233
Weapons trade and dept. Head of department Mr. Ludwig 0281 107 2231
Subject area manager Mr. Heyers 0281 107 2230

Weapons law forms can be found in the download area on the right.

Please address any questions in this regard in writing to the

Wesel district police authority
Reeser Landstraße 21 
46483 Wesel.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110