The feeling when someone has broken into the privacy of your own four walls or gained access to private data on your computer is drastic. Many of those affected subsequently experience a feeling of insecurity and fear. But it doesn't have to come to this: Crime Prevention Wesel explains how you can protect yourself and your home and what measures you can take to prevent criminals from getting their hands on it in the first place.
But the topic of prevention goes much further. It also relates to educating your children about drugs, bullying or the risk of becoming a victim on the internet or unwittingly becoming a perpetrator themselves, for example in the case of legal violations relating to photos.
Find out more about the free services offered by the police and call us on 0281-107 4420 or send an email to DirKKKPraevention-Opferschutz.Wesel [at] Crime Prevention Wesel is available to answer your questions and concerns. Schools can receive a guide for their lessons on request if they would like to use the crime prevention short stories about Marie and Tom (see right-hand section). For a safe life in the district of Wesel.